
We will innovate at your company…. with the 1st Fab Lab Mobile in France!

Multiplying the paths to innovation is the challenge won by ENSGSI and ERPI thanks to Fab Lab Mobile! Thanks to the Lorraine Regional Council and the University of Lorraine, which made this investment possible, as well as AGEFA PME and CGPME Lorraine, which are financing the first year of operation, Lorraine is the first region in France to acquire such a tool. This original concept, this embedded Fab Lab was born from the desire to go as close as possible to companies and citizens to stimulate their capacity for creation and experimentation. By erasing borders (geographical, temporal, economic, social, cultural), the Fab Lab Mobile reverses the initial relationship of access to technology and brings innovation to companies, cities, schools, high schools… This proactive approach establishes a new proximity with users.

Anticipating the needs of companies, ENSGSI and the ERPI laboratory develop original and innovative solutions in line with the local ecosystem. Thus, the development of spaces is not always possible or relevant (duration of the mission, technical constraints, unsuitable premises, etc.). Employees of SMEs cannot necessarily travel to the heart of the Nancy urban area.

The priority challenge to which the Lorraine Fab Living Lab® want to respond is to initiate and lead a dynamic of collective reflection on our living environment. The challenges of society in order to provide shared responses the development of which involves in particular the creation or renewal of products, processes and even organisation. To successfully carry out this mission and reach economic players as close as possible to their business areas, the Lorraine Fab Living Lab® designs and develops concrete solutions with a road system.

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